

This is who we are, this is how we work

We are called Eka: that is the number 1 in Sanskrit. For us, unity expresses the connection that binds everything and everyone together.

Most of us started working together 20 years ago. We are driven by a vocation for people and a passion for development.

At present, we work with an interdisciplinary team of professionals specialized in different areas and we focus on an interdisciplinary approach.

Each project is a new challenge into which we put the best of ourselves.

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Noemi Galindo

Senior Manager.

Xefa Lousa

Senior coach, MBTI, Lego Serious Play, HCMBOK.

Iván Gandía

Writer, soft skills trainer, executive and business coach.



Noemi Galindo

Talent Manager, trainer and coach

Iván Gandía

Writer, soft skills trainer, executive and business coach

Álvaro Baturone

Coach, trainer and speaker

Jose Antonio Ramo

E-learning and Gamification programmer

Gloria Palau Matas

Project manager and senior coach.

Álvaro Baturone

Coach, trainer and speaker.

Paula Rodríguez

Community Manager.

Maria Vancells

Actress and trainer in communication and impact presentations.

Jose Antonio Ramo

E-learning and Gamification programmer.

Kiara Wojtasik


Estefanía Yome

Senior Coach and Trainer. 

TDA Certified.

Gloria Palau Matas

Project manager and senior coach.

Álvaro Baturone

Coach, trainer and speaker.

Luz Milagros Meneses

Community manager.

Sandra Mena

HR consultant, coach and Diversity and Inclusive leadership expert.

Nuria Gómez de la Cal

Actress and Communication and high impact presentations Trainers.

Jose Antonio Ramo

E-learning and Gamification programmer.

Silvia Domínguez

Photographer and soft skills facilitator.

Luis Guerrero

Executive coach.